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SparkleDevon's Profile

Rank: Member

Last Online: SparkleDevon was last seen online 4526 days, 16 hours, 3 minutes and 42 seconds ago.

SparkleDevon's Levels
Level NameDifficultyRequires
DeathHardSpelunky 1.1
Superman! series oneNormalSpelunky 1.1
Spelunky FreerunnerNormalSpelunky 1.1
Speed RunEasySpelunky 1.1
Spelunky Freerunner3HardSpelunky 1.1
Playing with the Shopkeeper (:NormalSpelunky 1.1
Coolness xDHardEditor +
Epic Contest SparkleDevon's Level. HardEditor +
Been AwhileHardEditor +
TrapAttackHardEditor +

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